Change Drive File Stream Settings

| 0 minutes

Disconnect accounts

Follow the instructions below for most common situations.

Note: Any files kept offline will be removed.

  1. Click the Drive File Stream Menu [icon].
  2. Click More [icon] and then Preferences.
  3. Click Disconnect Account.

Switch accounts

Follow the instructions below for most common situations.

Note: Any files kept offline will be removed.

  1. Click the Drive File Stream Menu [icon].
  2. Click More [icon] and then Preferences.
  3. Click Switch Account.
  4. Sign in with the account you want to use.

Change where files are found

To change where Drive File Stream stores data for offline use:

  1. Click the Drive File Stream Menu [icon].
  2. Click More [icon] and then Preferences.
  3. Under "Local cached files directory," click Change.
  4. On Windows: To change the Drive letter, click the down arrow under "Drive letter."
  5. On Mac: To change the Mount point, under "Mount location," click Change.
  6. Choose where you want your files to be stored.
  7. Click Ok.

Change which disk or drive is used

To change where Drive File Stream disk use:

  1. Click the Drive File Stream Menu [icon].
  2. Click More [icon] and then Preferences.
  3. Under "Local cached files directory," click Default Drive Letter.
  4. Choose which disk you want to use.
  5. Click Ok.


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